ED Management – January 1, 2009
January 1, 2009
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Technology will have major impact on shaping future EDs, say the experts
Peering accurately years into the future requires a crystal ball that no one possesses, so how do you prepare? Observers of emergency medicine share common visions in several key areas. -
EDs will focus on critical care
The EDs of the futures will look "far more like critical care centers," predicts Thom A. Mayer, MD, FACEP, president and CEO of Best Practices an emergency medicine, pediatric emergency medicine, and physician leadership management firm based in Fairfax, VA. -
Things may get worse before they get better
While the long-term future for emergency medicine is bright, ED managers and their staffs will see some tough times in the short term, predicts Thom Mayer, MD, FACEP, president and CEO of Best Practices, an emergency medicine, pediatric emergency medicine, and physician leadership management firm based in Fairfax, VA. -
EMTALA most impactful change in past two decades
A lot can happen in 20 years, and certainly a lot has happened in the practice of emergency medicine both good and bad. But experts seem to agree that no single event has had more impact on the field than the passage of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). -
Great strides made in patient care
Despite the challenges of overcrowding, underfunding, and staff shortages, experts say emergency medicine has made great progress in the last 20 years. -
EDs must learn from past to solve nagging problems
Experts in emergency medicine often have correctly identified key challenges over the past 20 years; unfortunately, they have not been as adept at addressing them, say observers. However, the lessons learned at least point the way to future improvement, they add. -
Mental health system adds to ED burden
Among the key challenges that have developed in the past 20 years and have not yet been addressed is the failure of the community's mental health system, according to James J. Augustine, MD, FACEP, director of clinical operations at Emergency Medicine Physicians, an emergency physician partnership group in Canton, OH. -
Economy predicted to put more pressure on EDs
Emergency medicine experts say the lagging economy is putting additional pressure on EDs that are already stretched to the limit, and that ED managers can look forward to even greater demand from patients while financial woes will lead to staff cuts, further exacerbating the situation. -
'Strenuous' times seen For ED managers
The current economic crisis is creating "strenuous times for ED leaders because all prudence will be necessary," notes Steven J. Davidson, MD, MBA, FACEP, chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY. "They are going to be challenged to be creative in finding ways to do things," he says. -
Experts unsure that the new administration will help EDs
The natural excitement and optimism that normally accompany the transition to a new administration are not universally shared by ED experts, judging by their comments to ED Management. -
Rationing: The 800-lb. gorilla in the room
Will the new Obama administration successfully address emergency medicine's most pressing problems? Some are not hopeful. -
Standards endorsed to boost efficiency, quality
The National Quality Forum (NQF) has endorsed 10 national voluntary consensus standards for hospital-based ED care, with the goal of reducing overcrowding, decreasing patient wait time, and improving quality of care. -
Don't wait for CMS move, EDs are told
With the likelihood that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will adopt some or all of the 10 national voluntary consensus standards for hospital-based ED care recently endorsed by the National Quality Forum (NQF), experts advise ED managers to begin preparing now to be in compliance. Besides, they argue, the new measures will help them improve the efficiency and quality of their departments. -
2008 Salary Survey Results: Salaries of ED managers stop climbing, as hospitals respond to financial pressures
It was too good to last. In the 2007 ED Management Salary Survey, we noted that hospital administrators were reacting to the realities of supply and demand and showing a willingness to be more generous with salary increases.