ED Management – September 1, 2009
September 1, 2009
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Next month's focus: How not to get sued
Systems ponder placing federally qualified clinics within EDs of hospitals
Top executives of Detroit's five major hospital systems, in an effort to offset what some see as "inappropriate" ED care, i.e., primary care services for uninsured or underinsured patients, are considering a plan that would put federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) inside their hospitals' EDs. -
Process changes cut LOS by 100 minutes
If you're in a brand-new ED and patient flow remains an issue, expansion is clearly out of the question, but that doesn't mean you can't successfully address the problem. -
IRS eyes nonprofits — EDs can play key role
ED managers may find themselves in the spotlight as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has renewed its commitment to scrutinize not-for-profit organizations, which include a large number of hospitals. -
Some EDs fell short in H1N1 outbreak
When the H1N1 virus hit the United States this spring, some EDs were "caught unprepared," according to one emergency medicine expert, and many agree that changes must be made before the virus gains strength this fall, as predicted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). -
Hypothermia program yields quick results
Less than two weeks after instituting a Post-Arrest Hypothermia program for heart attack patients, Providence (CA) Tarzana Medical Center has applied the body-cooling treatment in three cases, and each patient showed remarkable neurologic recovery. -
ED Coding Update: Learn the elements of risk for accurate MDM level
[Editor's note: This is the second column in a two-part series on the relationship between medical decision making and documentation. In the May issue, we covered the key components of medical decision making. This month we address risk as an element of decision-making. This quarterly column on ED coding is written by Caral Edelberg, CPC, CCS-P, CHC, president of Edelberg Compliance Associates in Baton Rouge, LA.]