Emergency Medicine Reports – July 25, 2004
July 25, 2004
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Respiratory Disease Update 2004: SARS, Influenza, Community-Acquired Pneumonia — The Emergency Medicine Perspective
Part I of this two-part series on respiratory diseases covered two viral infections, severe acute respiratory syndrome and influenza. Part II focuses on a bacterial infection, community-acquired pneumonia. -
Emergency Medicine Reports 2004 NEPA Award Winner
Emergency Medicine Reports received a 2004 First Place award in the Best Single-Topic Newsletter category from the Newsletter and Electronic Publishers Foundation for the two-part article on immigrant medicine published Feb. 10 and Feb. 24, 2003. The authors of the winning article are Mary Meyer, MD, Danica Barron, MD, and Carter Clements, MD. The article was edited by Gideon Bosker, MD, and Shelly Morrow Mark. -
Emergency Medicine Specialty Reports - Acute Pain Management: An Emergency Department Perspective
Since acute pain management is protean in nature, the focus of this report consciously will be to avoid such topics as procedural sedation, alternative nonpharmacologic adjuncts, medication pharmacokinetics, sickle cell pain crisis management, cancer pain management, and physician liability in withholding analgesic treatment.