OB/GYN Clinical Alert – November 1, 2022
November 1, 2022
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Interpregnancy Interval Outcomes in Group Prenatal Care vs. Traditional Care
This study demonstrated that, when compared to women receiving conventional prenatal care, CenteringPregnancy care was associated with a substantial decrease in interpregnancy intervals at ≤ 6 and ≤ 12 months and a remarkable increase in postpartum long-acting reversible contraception uptake.
Labor Epidural Analgesia Is Not Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ADHD in Offspring
Use of epidural analgesia by pregnant women in labor was not associated with an increased risk of autism spectrum disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the resulting children after controlling for confounding factors, including familial risks.
Increasing Incidence of Stage IV Cervical Cancer
This study examined the incidence of stage IV cervical cancer in the United States between 2001 and 2018. Rates were highest among Black women, but the annual rate of increase was highest among white women in the South aged 40-44 years. Compared with Black women, white women also had lower rates of guideline-adherent cervical cancer screening, and white teens had lower rates of human papillomavirus vaccination.
Extended Use of Intrauterine Devices: New Data
In this prospective cohort study, 362 participants started year 6 of the device and 223 women completed eight years of 52-mg levonorgestrel intrauterine device use. For years 6-8, the three-year Pearl Index (95% confidence interval) was 0.28 (0.03-1.00), with a three-year cumulative failure rate of 0.68% (0.17-2.71).