Pandemic checklist for occupational health

This checklist was excerpted from the HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan, health care planning section at

   An occupational health plan has been developed.
   A system for rapidly delivering vaccine or antiviral prophylaxis to health care personnel has been developed.
   The system has been tested during a non-pandemic influenza season.
   A method for prioritizing health care personnel for receipt of vaccine or antiviral prophylaxis based on level of patient contact and personal risk for influenza complications has been established.
   A system for detecting symptomatic personnel before they report for duty has been developed.
   This system has been tested during a non-pandemic influenza period.
   A policy for managing health care personnel with symptoms of or documented pandemic influ­enza has been established. The policy considers:
   when personnel may return to work after having pandemic influenza
   when personnel who are symptomatic but well enough to work will be permitted to continue working


   A method for furloughing or altering the work locations of personnel who are at high risk for influenza complications (e.g., pregnant women, immunocompromised health care workers) has been developed.
   Mental health and faith-based resources, which will provide counseling to personnel during a pandemic, have been identified.
   A strategy for housing health care personnel who may be needed on-site for prolonged periods of time is in place.
   A strategy for accommodating and supporting personnel who have child or elder care responsibilities has been developed.
   A vaccine and antiviral use plan has been developed.
   A contact for obtaining influenza vaccine has been identified.
   A contact for obtaining antiviral prophylaxis has been identified.
   A priority list (based on HHS guidance for use of vaccines and antivirals in a pandemic when in short supply) and estimated number of patients and health care personnel who would be targeted for influenza vaccination or antiviral prophylaxis has been developed.
   Number of first-priority personnel ___
   Number of second-priority personnel ___
   Number of remaining personnel ___
   Number of first-priority patients ___
   Number of second-priority patients ___
   A system for rapidly distributing vaccine and antivirals to patients has been developed.