Many second editions of lengthy publications are little more than minor rewrites and an updating of a smattering of facts here and there, but that hardly is the case with the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicines second edition of Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines a comprehensive guide that is the gold standard
in effective treatment of workplace injuries and diseases.
While disease management programs have steadily gained popularity in recent years, there is a relative lack of evidence that they improve quality and save money, according to a report from the Washington, DC-based Center for Studying Health System Change.
The latest technology in computerized sensory equipment may one day lead to smart buildings that can detect hazards and accidents, says a health informatics expert.
Having automatic external defibrillators, or AEDs, installed in the workplace is of clear benefit, but there are a number of key strategies that should be followed to ensure program success, says Thomas W. Zoch, MD, FACP, FACEP, of Thedacare at Work in Appleton, WI.
ACOEM supports immigration reform; OSHA delays enforcement of TB standard to July; Survey finds vacancies, turnover; AHIMA releases EHR standards
When should placebos be used in clinical research? Can subjects with a medical condition be asked to consent to withdraw from their current medications and take an experimental medication with the 50/50 chance that what they actually receive will be no medication at all?