Electronic data capture (EDC) systems are supposed to make data collection and analysis easier and more accurate for clinical research (CR) teams. But often CR coordinators and investigators find the systems to be counterintuitive, inflexible, and difficult to navigate.
Why would Emergency Medicine Reports publish an article about "chronic" wounds? As we well know, many patients with chronic conditions come to the emergency department (ED), and those with chronic wounds are no exception. The incidence of chronic skin wounds is likely to increase to due the rise in obesity and diabetes, as well as aging in the general population.
When Peace Health opens its new hospital in Eugene, OR, it will have the latest and greatest technology, private rooms, and attractive décor.
Don't get too comfortable with your current safety sharps. Failing to keep up with new technology could make you vulnerable to a citation by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
As concern grows over antibiotic-resistant organisms, health care workers never have been under greater scrutiny for their compliance with hand hygiene.
Employees who perceived greater flexibility in their workplace were more likely to engage in more frequent physical activity, stress management programs, health education activities, and healthful sleep habits, according to a new study.
Many employers give premium reductions to workers who complete health risk assessments or attend weight loss programs, and some firms are considering charging obese workers more for health benefits. But what about giving workers cash as a reward for losing pounds?
A nurse practitioner-led care management model has resulted in lower costs, better care, and high patient satisfaction ratings for frail elderly nursing home patients being managed by Inspiris, a Brentwood, TN-based health care management firm.