IRBs and investigators continually look for ways to improve the informed consent (IC) process. One novel idea is to create an interactive informed consent program that serves a dual purpose of providing education to patients and trial participants.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) of Bethesda, MD, decided to address a deficit in quality of biospecimens collected for research purposes with the recent publication of improved recommendations.
When IRBs approve a clinical trial site's informed consent documents, they often have no way of knowing how the informed consent process is played out at the site.
IRB members have different opinions and policies on whether to permit investigators to attend IRB meetings. But are these policies based on any evidence that one way works better than another?
IRBs often are involved with studies that involve sites in other states, which raise a host of concerns and complications.
Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism by Multidetector CT; The Impact of Medicare Part B on Medication Nonadherence Among Seniors; Liberty, Justice, and Hypertension Treatment for ALL; The Carotids Blow the Whistle on Crimes in the Heart; Vitamin Shmitamin; Fracture Risk, Diabetes, and Rosiglitazone
As a women's health care provider, you are familiar with interstitial cystitis (IC) and painful bladder syndrome (PBS). It is estimated that at least 1 million Americans suffer from IC/PBS, most of them women.