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Articles Tagged With: Oncology

  • Inflammation and Lung Cancer Survival

    The Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) is an easily derived measure of underlying inflammatory processes. In this series of 101 patients with newly diagnosed advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma, it proved superior to the ECOG Performance Scale in predicting survival. After initial treatment, however, the prognostic value fell, but this may have been the result of fewer evaluable patients at the latter time points.
  • Aspirin and Cancer Prevention

    A 62-year-old Caucasian woman returns to her primary care physician for a follow-up visit after routine colonoscopy and is accompanied by her 63-year-old husband. The gastroenterologist had resected three adenomatous polyps and suggested a repeat colonoscopy in 1 year.
  • The Changing Paradigm of Vulva Cancer Management

    Among women with early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva, sentinel node biopsy is a reasonable alternative to inguinal femoral lymphadenectomy. Histological ultrastaging is an important adjuvant to sentinel node assessment for metastatic disease.
  • Pharmacology Watch: Do Benzodiazepines Cause Dementia in the Elderly?

    Dementia and benzodiazepines; effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acid and Ginkgo biloba supplements; and FDA actions.
  • Chemotherapy Prior to Chemoradiotherapy for Neoadjuvant Rectal Cancer Treatment

    In a series of consecutive patients with locally advanced rectal cancer, a novel treatment regimen was studied that involved "induction chemotherapy" followed by chemoradiotherapy prior to total mesorectal excision. The investigators found a high local control rate and promising disease-free and overall survival outcomes.
  • Cognitive Function in Breast Cancer Survivors

    There has long been an appreciation of the risk of cognitive decline associated with chemotherapy but questions remain about the magnitude and duration of the observed deficits. In this meta-analysis of studies that included neuropsychological assessments at a minimum of 6 months after completion of breast cancer chemotherapy, definite but small deficits were found for both verbal and visuospatial capabilities. In this analysis, age and educational status were not found to be moderators of acquired deficits.
  • Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement

  • Birth After 30 Lowers Endometrial Cancer Risk

    Women who last give birth at age 40 or older have a 44% decreased risk of endometrial cancer when compared to women who have their last birth under the age of 25, according to results of a new international study.1
  • Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement

  • PET/CT as Tool in Assessing Response to Neoadjuvant CRT for Rectal Cancer

    Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy has become the standard approach for patients with locally advanced rectal adenocarcinoma. For patients who achieve a complete response determined preoperatively, less than maximally aggressive surgery has been contemplated. However, improved accuracy of the preoperative assessment needs to be established. In the current prospective evaluation, assessments of response were made with and without the use of PET/CT in a consecutive series and it was found that the additional scans were useful adjuncts to comprehensive clinical examination.