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  • Trauma Reports Supplement: Evaluation and Management of Blunt and Penetrating Thoracic Trauma

    Trauma to the thoracic cavity is responsible for approximately 10-25% of all trauma-related deaths, with the majority of these deaths occurring after arrival at the emergency department. The mortality for isolated chest injury is relatively low (less than 5%); however, with multiple organ system involvement, the mortality approaches 30%. This article dissects the critical aspects of thoracic trauma and highlights acute care management strategies.
  • Numbers indicate misconduct rising

    Research misconduct activity reported by institutions in 2002 reached the highest levels since 1997, according to a report in the quarterly newsletter from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Research Integrity (ORI).
  • News Briefs

    Hastings Center issues report on reprogenetics; NIH expanding distance learning programs
  • More from the Women’s Health Initiative

    The latest news from the womens health initiative (WHI) includes 3 noteworthy reports: the news release announcing the cancellation of the estrogen-only arm of the clinical trial,1 a comparison of the participants in the 2 clinical trial arms(estrogen-progestin and estrogen-only),2 and the updated, adjudicated lorectal cancer results from the estrogen-progestin arm.3
  • Clinical Briefs in Primary Care

  • Leapfrog and Critical Care: Evidence and Reality in the ICU

    Leapfrog Groups standards for critical care are not grounded sufficiently in evidence to mandate their stringent and universal implementation. Rather, most of the guidelines are grounded in common sense and rational extrapolation of the data. As such, they are a reasonable starting point for debate by physicians and policymakers about optimal methods of achieving intensivist-guided care of critically ill patients.
  • Predicting Outcome in Pulmonary Embolism Using CT Angiography

    No CT variables predicted severe in-hospital morbidity and mortality (death from pulmonary embolism, death from any cause, or cardiac arrest) in patients with PE. However, ventricular septal bowing and increased RV/LV diameter ratio were both strongly predictive of less severe morbidity, namely, subsequent ICU admission, and oligemia was associated with subsequent intubation and vasopressor use.
  • Noninvasive Ventilation in Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

    Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) was assessed in 105 patients with severe acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. The use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is effective to reduce intubation and mortality in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure.
  • The Value of Post Adjuvant Chemotherapy Screening in Colorectal Cancer Patients

    In an analysis of important clinical outcomes after adjuvant chemotherapy for stage II and III colorectal cancer, Chau and colleagues from the United Kingdom reviewed the experiences of 530 patients. Of these, 154 relapsed with metastatic disease, local recurrence, or metachronous tumor.
  • Phase II Data on Cetuximab (Erbitux™)

    In a phase II trial of cetuximab (Erbitux) given once weekly to patients with advanced colorectal cancer who had failed prior irinotecan treatment, a modest response rate was observed and the toxicity profile was shown to be manageable.