You cant have a clinical trial without volunteers, and clinical trial coordinators and investigators often find that recruiting human subjects takes some creativity. Enter advertising.
Documentation is a valuable communication tool throughout the case management process, providing an accurate record of the assessment, care plan, and execution of treatment and services. Through systematic collection of information about the service experience, the end results of care can be evaluated.
Adults with lower than average reading skills are less likely than other Americans to get potentially life-saving screening tests, be vaccinated for flu and pneumonia, and take their children for well-child physician visits, according to a report by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
In an effort to ensure that chronically ill members get the most effective and efficient health care services, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee has developed a pilot project to pay physicians for e-mail consultations, telephone calls, and group visits with members with diabetes, hypertension, or congestive heart failure.
It sounds exciting to be an expert witness until you take the stand in court and the attorney for the other side questions your credibility, B.K. Kizziar asserts. Thats why she advises case managers who are interested in becoming expert witnesses to learn how the legal system works and be prepared for what they may encounter in a case.
By creating a series of tools and other resources, Premera Blue Cross has been able to increase the efficiency of its case management department and earn coveted accreditation from Washington, DC-based URAC. The case management program at the Mountlake Terrace, WA, health plan is one of only two in the state of Washington to achieve URAC accreditation. The health plan covers members in Washington and Alaska.
Synopsis: As determined by process of care measurement, adverse event occurrence, and patient satisfaction, quality of care is compromised by infection control procedures.
A recent report from an Institute of Medicine panel recommends strategies for achieving greater diversity among health professionals, a goal that would lead to improved access to care for racial and ethnic minority patients.