ICPs be advised: Surveyors for the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations are asking health care workers whether they understand the new hand hygiene guidelines and are looking for signs of compliance.
The Consumers Union, publishers of Consumer Reports, is urging people to write their government representatives and demand open records on hospital infection rates.
In a battle that is expected to unfold in an increasing number of states, infection control professionals in Pennsylvania are facing a demand for public disclosure of infection rates.
Trauma to the thoracic cavity is responsible for approximately 10-25%
of all trauma-related deaths, with the majority of these deaths
occurring after arrival at the emergency department. The mortality for
isolated chest injury is relatively low (less than 5%); however, with
multiple organ system involvement, the mortality approaches 30%. This
article dissects the critical aspects of thoracic trauma and highlights
acute care management strategies.
The 12-lead ECG and accompanying rhythm strip in the Figure were obtained from an 84-year-old man who presented to the emergency department with acute dyspnea from pneumonia and heart failure. Whats going on? Is RBBB (right bundle-branch block) among the findings?
While ST segment changes (both elevation and depression) are associated with an acute coronary syndrome, numerous other clinical entities manifest ST segment depression. Appropriate management partially is dependent upon differentiating these various causes of ST segment depression on the ECG.
The purpose for this study, carried out at nine Canadian tertiary care hospitals, was to prospectively compare the NEXUS low-risk criteria to the Canadian c-spine rules for accuracy, reliability, clinical acceptability, and potential outcomes in patient care and radiography utilization.
Creating the most efficient staffing arrangement possible along with fostering effective working relationships with those outside the access department was integral to the development of a financially successful patient access department, says Patti Daniel, MS, CCM, LPC, LMSW/AP.
A dramatic overhaul of the emergency department (ED) process at Paradise Valley Hospital in National City, CA, began with a single question from the director of emergency medicine.
The decision of the U.S. Supreme Court last fall to let stand an appeals court ruling that the federal government may not investigate, threaten, or punish doctors who recommend marijuana as a medical treatment for their patients has lifted a cloud that was over the heads of many people, says Bruce Mirken, communications director for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) in Washington, DC.