Jonas and colleagues have collected the largest series of cases of unilateral hemispherectomy and assessed outcomes for the parameters listed in the title of their manuscript. In 21 of 115 patients, the indication for surgery was Rasmussen encephalitis (RE). In the realm of non-surgical treatment of RE, Bien and colleagues administered tacrolimus to 7 patients with histopathologically proven RE.
The British government will soon allow over-the-counter sales of Mercks simvastatin (Zocor), marking the first time any country has allowed the OTC sale of a statin.
Van Dijk and colleagues investigated whether plasma Aß levels were associated with lacunar infarcts and matter lesions in the general population, and whether the apolipoprotein E genotype modified this association.
How valuable are nerve conduction studies in the diagnosis and management of carpal tunnel syndrome?
The cause of normal aging has been widely studied, and a large number of nuclear factors have been implicated in normal aging including DNA polymerase, P53, and klotho.
It is heartbreaking dilemma faced by hospital staff everywhere a patient is brought to the emergency department (ED) unconscious, the victim of a severe stroke or brain hemorrhage that leaves the person incapacitated and unable to participate in decisions about his or her care.
If you have exhibited at least 12 of the following behaviors since childhood, and if these symptoms are not associated with any other medical or psychiatric condition, consider an evaluation by a team of AD/HD professionals.