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Articles Tagged With: COVID-19

  • Palliative Care Professionals Say Capacity Must Be Expanded

    Thousands of people with serious illness from COVID-19 need palliative care at a time when this typically scarce resource is stretched thinner than ever before. Palliative care professionals held a webinar in the early days of the outbreak in New York City to discuss how their knowledge and resources could be used to help the many people in need.

  • Telehealth Intervention Provides Solutions for Era of Social Distancing

    A recent study revealed how healthcare organizations can design a telehealth pilot program for elderly and at-risk populations with long-term health conditions. Researchers found that using the Model for Developing Complex Interventions in Nursing, healthcare providers could design a multifaceted telehealth intervention to minimize reinstitutionalization of people with multiple chronic conditions.

  • COVID-19 Devastates At-Risk Populations

    The COVID-19 pandemic appears to have a devastating effect on people with chronic diseases or who are immunosuppressed, are older, or obese. In other words, the people most at risk of serious illness from the disease are the same people case managers help each day. Case managers should focus more on remote case management, taking the pandemic into account as they contact and monitor patients.

  • Telehealth Requirements Affected, DEA Allows Prescribing Narcotics

    CMS is waiving the “eligible originating site” requirement for telehealth services rendered on or after March 6, 2020, and allowing telehealth services provided in all care settings, including a patient’s home.

  • States Ease Licensing and Credentialing; Use Caution

    Many states have lifted some restrictions on clinician licensing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing hospitals to call on more available professionals to handle the increased patient load. Although the relaxed rules are welcomed in the face of the crisis, peer review and compliance leaders should proceed with some caution.

  • Pandemic Quality Reporting Eased, But Consider Benefits of Sending Data

    Hospital quality leaders already strained by the COVID-19 pandemic welcomed the decision to delay reporting deadlines for the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System and not require reporting or use data from the initial pandemic period for Medicare quality reporting and value-based purchasing programs for future payment years. However, there are important issues to consider as hospitals move forward and regroup in the post-pandemic months.

  • OSHA Allows ‘Enforcement Discretion’ During COVID-19

    Responding to respirator shortages during the outbreak of novel coronavirus, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued a memorandum allowing “enforcement discretion” by compliance officers citing the Respiratory Protection standard (29 CFR § 1910.134).

  • CDC Defines ‘Low-Risk’ Occupational Exposures to Coronavirus

    The CDC recently issued guidelines allowing healthcare personnel (HCP) to continue working if they incur only “low-risk” exposures to patients with COVID-19. With some reported cases of large numbers of HCP furloughed after exposures, the CDC is moving to preserve the workforce in situations where HCP are exposed to infected patients through minor breaks in protocol or personal protective equipment.

  • CDC Guidance for Use of Facemasks During Crisis

    The CDC’s recommendation for optimizing the supply of facemasks include “contingency” and “crisis” capacity. These are steps hospitals can take if they are no longer at “conventional” capacity, when standard measures remain in effect. The CDC defines contingency capacity as practices that may be used temporarily during periods of expected facemask shortages. Crisis capacity may call for stopgap measures “that are not commensurate with U.S. standards of care."

  • CDC Guidelines for Reuse of N95 Respirators

    With reuse of N95 respirators in effect at many hospitals, the CDC has issued recommendations that begin with the caveat “there is no way of determining the maximum possible number of safe reuses for an N95 respirator as a generic number to be applied in all cases.”