Risk managers must investigate potential exposures with a critical eye, especially when the area in question is a new acquisition for the organization, says Donna Young, CPHRM, FASHRM, vice president of risk management services with Mutual Insurance Co. of Arizona in Phoenix.
Self-assessments can be used to address known problems within the organization and also to promote a risk managers stature, says Kenneth W. Felton, RN, MS, FASHRM, senior vice president and health care practice leader with Webster Insurance in Waterbury, CT, and a former hospital risk manager.
Insurers continue to exert pressure on risk managers, and industry leaders say you should be getting a closer look from underwriters
than you have ever had before.
Brace yourself: Flu season is right around the corner. Are you prepared? If an influenza pandemic hits, the entire U.S. population could be at risk. The annual impact of influenza on the United States is staggering: 10% to 20% of the population will get the flu. Some 36,000 people will die, and 114,000 will be hospitalized. Most of those who die will be older than 65, but children 2 and younger will be as likely to be hospitalized as the elderly.
The following questions were among those asked during two recent surveys by the Joint Commission.
Long hours and overtime are linked to higher injury rates, more frequent illnesses, and even increased mortality, according to a review of 52 published research reports by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
If you could reduce absenteeism, protect vulnerable patients, and keep employees healthier with one yearly shot, what would you do?