If youre having difficulty staffing your call panel, there are two options: You can institute a new approach internally, or contract with a company such as Emergency and Acute Care Medical Corp. (EA) in Rancho Santa Fe, CA, a management services organization with an independently contracted medical group providing call panel and stipend solutions and programs.
A large number of emergency medicine observers agree that the inability to fully staff ED call panels has reached a critical point.
Why has the problem become so serious?
There was a long history of frustration over lab specimen turnaround time but not anymore. Thanks to a successful Six Sigma initiative, turnaround time for the EDs criteria draws (draws based on specific patient criteria that indicate lab work will be needed) has dropped from about 46 minutes to 16 minutes.
A series of 27 lawsuits aimed at organizations controlling about 250 nonprofit hospitals in 15 states and the Chicago-based American Hospital Association (AHA) have shone the spotlight on the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) and its requirements concerning the treatment and admission of uninsured and underinsured patients.
Telithromycin is the first of the ketolides, a new class of antibacterial drugs that are derived from macrolide antibiotics. Part 1: Mechanism of Action, In Vitro Activity, Resistance Profile, Pharmacokinetics, Indication, and Dosage.
Researchers who recently studied the working memory of pharmacists are now turning to the issue of patient compliance. Indicators show that pharmacists who make medication errors and patients who do not adhere to their medication regimens may share several individual characteristics, such as a lack of organizational skills and working memory.
Surgeons at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have reduced the number of anti-rejection pills that some lung transplant patients receive and the patients seem to be tolerating the change well.
The canceled estrogen-progestin arm of the Womens Health Initiative reported an increase in ovarian cancer that was not statistically significant, prompting the authors to say: The possibility of an increased risk of ovarian cancer incidence and mortality remains worrisome and needs confirmation.
These data support the hypothesis that favorable survival that is associated with optimal debulking of advanced ovarian cancers is due to, at least in part, the underlying biologic characteristics of these cancers.