Unsafe Herbal Products Still Available on the Web; Study Shows Drinking Black Tea Lowers Cholesterol; U.S. Study Shows Vitamins Save Health Care Costs; Survey Finds CAM Services on the Rise. Altern Ther Women's Health 2004;6(1):7-8.
Hardy ML. Seasonal affective disorder: Is it time to see the light? Altern Ther Women's Health 2004;6(1):5-6.
Several leading medical and science journals fail to enforce their own policies for disclosing financial conflicts of interest among contributing authors, according to a study released July 12 by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).
Mississippi attorney Richard Scruggs has targeted not-for-profit hospitals in his latest class action effort, accusing them of overcharging uninsured patients and using harassment to collect overdue bills.
Whether to meet continuing education requirements, get a better job, or to satisfy a personal desire to improve in the profession, occupational health nurses always are looking for opportunities for professional development.
Antibiotics Associated With Cancer Risk; Topiramate Effective Against Migraine; Statin Therapy For Heart Failure; FDA Actions.
Few clinical situations place intensive care practitioners in a more uncomfortable position than does treating patients of the Jehovahs Witness faith. The faith-based refusal of autogenous or allogenic blood transfusions conflicts with the typical life-saving intent implicit in the critical care environment. However, it is our obligation to have a basic level of understanding of the set of beliefs that leads to the choice to refuse this specific set of life-saving therapies, while accepting other aspects of modern medical care.