In part II of this two-part series, the Antibiotic Therapy in Bacterial Sinusitis (ATBS) Clinical Consensus Panel outlines risk-directed strategies for management of patients with acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. Outlining specific symptomatic, historical, and host criteria that prompt empiric antibiotic therapy, and a sequencing strategy for antimicrobial drug selection, this review provides practical, evidence-based strategies for patient management.
A once-a-day dose of a valacyclovir reduces the rate of transmission of genital herpes (HSV-2) from an infected partner to an uninfected susceptible partner, according to a new study.
This is a personal account of military medicine in the recent conflict. It reflects a view from a relative newcomer to Navy medicineme. I learned many important lessons about providing medical care to the participants and bystanders of war, about the character of those involved in all areas of the conflict, and about myself.
This large, single-center observational study found that 5-year survival of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation and care at an in-patient hospital-based weaning unit was only 19%.
Among all factors associated with VRE transmission, VRE acquisition may depend on room contamination, even after extensive cleaning.
In this prospective, observational study, cook and associates recruited 851 patients who were likely to receive mechanical ventilation (MV) for more than 72 hours.
In recent years, changes in federal law and guidelines on federally funded research have encouraged the inclusion of children as research subjects in clinical drug trials.