In a recent EMTALA E-Bulletin, Stephen A. Frew, JD, a longtime specialist in EMTALA compliance issues and a web site publisher, said he had received reports that Southern California urgent care centers are getting conflicting information on whether the laws reference to dedicated emergency department applies to them.
OhioHealth in Columbus, OH offers these 14 tips for improving account management.
Electronic labeling of drug info new must
If you look on the web site of the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP), youll find a half-dozen reasons for why organizations that are involved in human research should consider going through the lengthy accreditation process.
The first part of this two-part series addressed the use of US for complications of early pregnancy in adolescent females and for testicular complaints in pediatric and adolescent males. This issue focuses on the use, role, and limitations of US in the evaluation of cardiac, abdominal, and renal disease processes.
Access managers continue to debate the intricacies of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), despite the publication of an EMTALA final rule on Sept. 9, 2003 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The rule became effective Nov. 10, 2003.
With nursing units swamped in the afternoon with unscheduled admissions, nurses at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston were complaining about the arduous database they had to complete on admission of each patient, notes Maureen McDaniel, RN, manager, bed management, in the patient access services department.