The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is distributing a new-generation smallpox vaccine, ACAM2000 (Acambis, Inc.; Cambridge, MA), to civilian laboratory personnel, the military, and state public health preparedness programs.
As this issue of Bioterrorism Watch went to press, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was investigating a case of ricin exposure in Las Vegas. The CDC said "preliminary results of environmental testing at laboratories in Nevada have tested positive for ricin."
Duct tape is no more effective than moleskin for the treatment of common warts. Occlusion therapy with both for 7 days will give resolution in just over 20% of patients.
Increasing use of CT scans has led to an increase of radiation exposure to its recipients, potentially causing up to 2% of new cancers, especially in children.
The FDA has approved extended release niacin plus simvastatin as a combination product.
Does Published Evidence Reflect the Whole Story?, Vitamin E levels and Physical Decline with Aging, Effort, Efficacy, and Effectiveness
The onset of dementia heralds death in about 41/2 years.
The atrial fibrillation clopidogrel trial with Irbesartan for Prevention of Vascular Events (ACTIVE W) is a noninferiority trial comparing anticoagulation with warfarin to therapy with aspirin plus clopidogrel for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation.
12-lead ECG and lead II rhythm strip obtained from a 90-year-old woman with acute dyspnea and diaphoresis.