Aetnas award-winning disease management programs focus the companys resources and nursing skills on the patients for whom it can make the biggest difference.
Stung by criticism that it is not doing enough to enforce its own regulations governing direct-to-consumer advertising by pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the publication of three new guidance documents designed to improve communications the public sees about new drugs and devices.
A woman seeking help conceiving through assisted reproduction inquires about the possibility of using her sister as an egg donor because previous attempts using her own have failed. Would your program allow it?
Fertility programs worldwide need to change their methods for calculating successful birth rates to emphasize births of single babies at term as the desired outcome of assisted reproductive technologies, rather than the birth of twins or triplets, an Australian researcher argues.
Researchers at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, have developed an extensive intervention aimed at improving HIV medical adherence among people most at risk of not taking their drugs or not showing up for medical appointments.
Just as HIV prevention programs are not a one-size-fits-all solution, so also must adherence interventions be tailored for the particular clinic, community, and population they serve.
Research presented at the 11th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, held in February in San Francisco, offered a look at some of the more interesting and promising vaccine research that is under way across the world.
The first potential HIV vaccine heading down the track has been derailed, but vaccine experts are optimistic that success still may be possible with some competing approaches, including some that are just getting started.