These papers and the accompanying editorial by Rascol bring attention to a known but under-recognized complication of ergot derivatives.
Treatment of TGA patients with antiplatelet treatment is likely warranted, particularly if there are underlying vascular risk factors.
Converging evidence implicates both protein aggregation as well as oxidative damage in mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinsons disease pathogenesis. It is likely that these factors may interact.
These findings are amongst the most direct data to date that oxidative damage plays a critical role in normal human aging.
The good news from the Oxford Vascular Study is that community-wide risk factor modifications and preventive treatment are worth the effort, and that further reductions in stroke incidence are possible with more widespread stroke prevention programs.
Following is a list of on-line resources to help patient education coordinators assimilate a source of support and information for the families that utilize their health care facilities.
To balance work and family, Cindy Latty, BSN, RN, and Maureen Battles, BSN, RN, share the role of patient education coordinator/clinical educator at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, which is a part of Clarian Health Partners.
Educating physicians about the cost-effective, high-quality care provided by your facility is only half of the marketing equation. Patients are the other half, and in many ways they are a tougher nut to crack.
Planning is something Americans do on a regular basis. They plan their vacations. They plan for the birth of a new baby. They plan for retirement. And they even plan for death. Yet few plan for the aging process.
Caregivers often underestimate the responsibilities of caring for an elderly relative.