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Articles Tagged With: Contraception

  • Case report: Use texts to reach young people

    Reaching young people with an HIV prevention message is important: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates young people ages 13-29 accounted for 39% of all new HIV infections in 2009.
  • Update: Women at high HIV risk can continue hormonal contraceptives

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has reaffirmed its guidance that women living with HIV or at high risk of HIV infection can safely use all hormonal contraceptives without restriction following a recent review of links between the contraceptives and HIV acquisition.
  • Research proves LARC methods are best — What happens now in practice?

    The next patient is a 16-year-old young mother who became pregnant at 14 when the condom broke during intercourse and no emergency contraception was used after the method failure.
  • Check OC stock for Sandoz packaging flaw

    Check your clinic storeroom for stock of the Sandoz oral contraceptive Introvale. The Princeton, NJ-based company issued a voluntary recall in June 2012 for 10 lots of the generic oral contraceptive following a recent report of a packaging flaw.
  • Newest research eyes shortened pill-free interval

    Research presented at the latest Clinical Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists indicates that women using an oral contraceptive (OC) with a 26/2 dosing regimen had less severe hormone withdrawal-associated symptoms than those using a 21/7 pill.
  • Teen-agers get message on effective contraception

    Good news: According to a new analysis of National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) data, researchers report an increase in the number of sexually experienced teens using highly effective contraceptive methods such as the intrauterine device, implant, pill, patch, ring, or injectable contraceptive.1
  • CT Updates

    Sign up for the free Aug. 29 webinar, "Risk Made Real: A Case-Based Approach to Addressing Risk in Contraception," sponsored by the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP).
  • Check pregnant women for chlamydia, gonorrhea

    If your practice includes care of pregnant women, be sure they are being tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Results of a new national analysis of laboratory tests of 1.3 million pregnant women indicate just 59% and 57% of pregnant women were tested at least once for chlamydia and gonorrhea, respectively.
  • Data out on potential contraceptive patch

    Results of a paper presented at the recent Annual Clinical Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggest that an investigational low-dose contraceptive patch appears to be as effective as a combined oral contraceptive (COC).1
  • Circumcision benefits outweigh disadvantages

    A new policy statement issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics and backed by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that the health benefits of circumcision in newborn males outweigh any risks and insurance companies should pay for it.