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Articles Tagged With: Contraception

  • Researchers Suggest It Is Time to End the Default Pelvic Exam

    Women who seek most forms of contraception do not need a routine pelvic examination before they are prescribed a contraceptive. Still, these exams are routine for many OB/GYN offices and reproductive health clinics, and this creates a barrier for some women — particularly those who have experienced sexual assault and intimate partner violence, according to new research.

  • Pandemic Affects Reproductive Health, Highlighting Disparities

    The COVID-19 pandemic has placed hardships on women seeking contraceptives and abortion care worldwide. It has been particularly deleterious to vulnerable populations. A shadow pandemic has developed of reproductive health disparities and more barriers to contraception.

  • Marketing a Male Contraceptive Plays Role in Availability

    The marathon race for finding an effective and safe male contraceptive has reached a hurdle that was not as much of a barrier for the research race to bring the first female contraceptive to market: Someone needs to prove men want their own contraceptive and will use whatever method succeeds.

  • New Male Contraceptive Options in the Pipeline

    There is a wide variety of potential male contraceptive products in the research pipeline. Hormonal contraceptive products have been studied a long time, but nonhormonal products also are under study.

  • Teen Pregnancy Part 1: The First Trimester

    Acute care providers will frequently encounter an adolescent with a new diagnosis of pregnancy or a known pregnancy (complicated or uncomplicated). The unique features of teenage pregnancy are critical to be familiar with, so as not to miss the diagnosis of pregnancy or identify a complication and initiate timely, appropriate management.

  • Study Results Highlight Challenge of Ruling out Pregnancy During Contraceptive Counseling

    The recommended ways of ruling out patient pregnancy before starting a new contraceptive include a pregnancy test, the date of the patient’s last unprotected sexual intercourse, and the patient’s symptoms. But there often are cases where it is difficult to rule out pregnancy.

  • Family Planning Centers Looking for Solutions in a Difficult Era

    In recent years, family planning clinics have faced many obstacles to providing contraceptive access to all patients who need it. Access issues worsened under changes to Title X and the Supreme Court’s recent ruling that allows some employers to opt out of providing contraception coverage. Reproductive health experts worry these recent changes — and COVID-19’s effect on access — could result in more unintended pregnancies.

  • Supreme Court’s Contraception Ruling Could Affect Women Nationwide

    The Affordable Care Act mandated that employers provide contraceptive coverage to workers at no cost. In July, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed a Trump administration regulation to let employers with religious or moral objections opt out of the mandate.

  • Clinicians Can Follow Recommendations to Better Serve Transgender Populations

    Family planning clinicians and obstetrician/gynecologists likely will see transgender or gender-diverse patients seeking contraceptive care. Clinicians should learn more about transgender and gender-diverse patients to better inform their care of these populations.

  • Study Reveals Low Rate of Contraceptive Use in Women with Recent Preterm Births

    Medicaid claims data among a North Carolina cohort show that women were less likely to fill a contraceptive claim within 90 days after preterm birth. Investigators theorized it would be harder for women to access contraception after a preterm birth because they would be caring for a medically fragile infant. Also, women who deliver preterm experience shorter pregnancies, which means there is less time for a conversation with their healthcare providers about contraception.