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Articles Tagged With: Cancer

  • The Latest in Genetic Screening for Gynecologic Malignancies

    Genetic testing is changing rapidly. With the advent of more sophisticated genetic mutation panels, it is important that providers of women’s healthcare consider appropriate referral and testing for those women at increased risk of malignancy.

  • B Vitamins and Lung Cancer Risk

    These researchers investigated the use of supplemental vitamin B6, folate, and B12 and the risk of lung cancer in 77,118 participants in the Vitamins and Lifestyle cohort, finding an increased risk of lung cancer in men, which was exacerbated by smoking.

  • Breast Cancer and Hormonal Contraception: New Information or Sensationalism?

    Highly publicized results from the Danish database demonstrate an increase in the risk of breast cancer associated with current use of hormonal contraception. Consistent with prior research, the risk is small, confined to current users, and disappears following discontinuation.

  • More Parents Choosing the HPV Shot for Teens

    Six of 10 U.S. parents now are choosing to have their teens vaccinated against HPV.

  • Helping Women at Risk for Breast Cancer to Exercise More and Lose Weight

    A web- and phone-based intervention led to significant weight loss and a modest increase in moderate-to-vigorous activity in women at risk of breast cancer.

  • Is Bariatric Surgery the Antidote for Female-associated Cancers?

    This study investigated gastric surgery as a prevention for female-associated cancers. Women with a body mass index of 38 kg/m2 who had surgery had an average of 28 kg of weight loss compared to the control group. This resulted in a statistically significant decrease in endometrial cancer.

  • Obesity: The New Epidemic

    Obesity has risen significantly worldwide and is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality in women throughout their lives. Risks include infertility, gestational diabetes, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

  • Obesity and Endometrial Cancer

    Obesity is a major risk factor for endometrial cancer as well as for other major comorbidities.

  • Pediatric Oncology

    Many emergency department (ED) visits for children are driven by parental fears of serious illness, including concerns that a child may have cancer. Some presenting symptoms are high-risk and require serious inquiry, while others are less concerning and may be managed by reassurance alone. Additionally, children with established cancer diagnoses may present to the ED with complications of their cancer, an unexpected recurrence after a period of remission, or issues related to treatment. The authors review the presentations for the most common pediatric cancers and the complications associated with pediatric cancers and their treatment.

  • Ovarian Cancer Screening: Mortality Results

    This paper is a 15-year median follow-up of extended mortality of the ovarian cancer screening portion of the Prostate, Lung, Colon, Ovary trial.