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Articles Tagged With: COVID-19

  • Chronic Disease Program Helps Rural Patients Who Can Help Themselves

    A chronic disease self-management program has proven to work well for a rural population, both before and since the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers found a diabetes self-management program’s completion rate was nearly 75%. The chronic disease self-management program’s rate was 79.4%.

  • Partner with Colleges, Nursing Programs to Address Staffing Shortages

    It is no secret nursing shortages are causing considerable anxiety and trouble for hospitals and health systems nationwide. As expected, shortages can negatively affect patient outcomes. Some hospitals are even covering full tuition for nursing students to potentially combat the shortage and provide undisrupted healthcare services to their patients.

  • Rise in Syphilis Has Far-Reaching Effect on U.S. Population

    Syphilis cases have skyrocketed in recent years, and repercussions include a lower quality of life for people affected by the disease. CDC preliminary data from 2021 show a 34% increase in syphilis cases among women and a 6% increase in syphilis among newborns. The CDC’s 2020 data show a 235% increase in congenital syphilis from 2016.

  • Contact Tracing Barriers Exposed During COVID-19 Crisis

    Over recent decades, public health officials have used contact tracing to varying degrees of success. The focus on STIs, HIV, and COVID-19 has shifted and changed. Yet it is the new surge in syphilis cases that highlights the importance of contact tracing and how damaging it can be when there are not enough public health officials and healthcare providers to identify people who are exposed and convince them to seek testing.

  • Report: Patients Sicker Now Than Before the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Delayed care also driving longer lengths of stay, price increases for labor and supplies.

  • Outcomes of COVID-19-Associated Acute Myocarditis

    In a review of COVID-19-associated acute myocarditis, investigators learned it is a rare complication that can occur without concomitant pneumonia, and frequently presents as cardiogenic shock. With supportive therapy, the short-term mortality rate is low.

  • Educators Hope Emergency Nurse Residency Program Can Improve Retention, Prevent Burnout

    What is the best way to prepare a new nurse for the challenges and requirements of an ED? This is a question the Emergency Nurses Association has been grappling with in recent years, particularly as the COVID-19 pandemic put unprecedented pressure on the profession. The answer might be a comprehensive emergency nurse residency program capable of providing graduates and nurses new to the emergency environment with the judgment, skills, and resilience to launch long and successful careers.

  • A Shot in the Dark: FDA Adding Omicron to New Fall Vaccine

    With the Omicron BA.5 subvariant currently the dominant strain of COVID-19 in the United States, vaccine experts have decided to add some component of the rapidly mutating virus to a new bivalent booster that will be rolled out this fall.

  • A Matter of Semantics: IP Requirements in LTC

    The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology has been calling for infection preventionists in long-term care for years, but it took a pandemic and a catastrophic death toll among frail residents to finally spur substantive action from the government.

  • Clinician: Vaccinate Children to Prevent Long COVID

    With public health officials recently recommending vaccinating children as young as 6 months of age for COVID-19, a clinician voiced a passionate plea to immunize this vulnerable population to prevent severe outcomes and death.