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Articles Tagged With:

  • What medications counteract the Pill?

    Which drugs might impact the efficacy of the birth control pill? Comments are offered by Andrew Kaunitz, MD, professor and assistant chair in the obstetrics and gynecology department at the University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville, and Susan Wysocki, RNC, NP, president and chief executive officer of the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Womens Health.
  • Women say yes to direct access to contraception

    If women could directly access hormonal contraception in pharmacies without a prescription, would they be interested in doing so, provided that pharmacists screen for the methods? A new survey indicates they would.
  • Latest research sheds new light on DMPA’s impact on bone health

    Your next patient is a 17-year-old who admits she has a hard time remembering to take the Pill, but says she wants to avoid unintended pregnancy. When you begin to counsel on the injectable contraceptive Depo Provera [depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), Pfizer, New York City], what do you tell her about the drug?
  • STD Quarterly: CTUpdates

    Mark your calendars for the Contraceptive Technology Quest for Excellence conference, set for Nov. 11-12 in Atlanta.
  • STD Quarterly: Treatment alert for sexually transmitted diseases: Check use of azithromycin for early syphilis

    Clinicians who opt to use azithromycin for treatment of early syphilis should review recently published research that indicates that at least 10% of syphilis samples from patients at sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics in four cities had a strain resistant to the antibiotic.
  • Project takes a shot at contraceptive access

    Checking your next patients chart, you see that the young woman uses depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA, Depo-Provera, Pfizer, New York City) for birth control. When you ask about her last injection, she tells you she missed her scheduled shot because she was out of town.
  • Lesbians, bisexual women need to have screenings

    If your practice includes care of lesbian and bisexual women, and most practices do, dont dismiss taking their reproductive histories. New research indicates that previous pregnancy, induced abortion, and hormonal contraceptive use are common among women who report sex with women, regardless of whether they identify themselves as lesbian.
  • Reach out to teens: One agency’s story

    Want to see more adolescents at your facility? Planned Parenthood of South Palm Beach and Broward County (PPSPBBC) in Boca Raton, FL, has captured teens attention by packaging a comprehensive health screening with a years supply of free birth control pills.
  • New report highlights abstinence programs 

    Where does your state stand when it comes to funding for abstinence-only programs? A new report released by the New York City-based Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS) details the amount, type, and use of federal abstinence-only-until-marriage funds in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
  • Full November 2004 Issue in PDF