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Articles Tagged With: CDC

  • CDC: Be Wary of Travelers from African Outbreaks

    Marburg virus has caused outbreaks in two African nations, and infection preventionists should be aware of travel history for incoming patients with hemorrhagic fever symptoms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned.

  • Ensure Measles Immunity of Healthcare Workers

    Waning immunization rates due to pandemic disruption of vaccine schedules and anti-vax misinformation has opened the door for a measles return in the United States, a highly infectious virus that once killed 500 kids a year.

  • TB Rates Are Rising Again

    In 2020, the TB rate dropped to 2.2, possibly because COVID-19 demanded public health resources that might have been used to detect it, and travel and immigration declined. After a small rebound in 2021, TB levels climbed to 2.5 cases per 1,000 people in 2022. There were more than 8,000 cases, and the CDC said TB was returning to pre-pandemic levels.

  • Pasadena Health Officer Mandates Booster for HCWs

    The chief public health officer in Pasadena, CA, has issued an order for all healthcare workers in the city to receive the bivalent booster containing both the original strain of COVID-19 and two subvariants of omicron.

  • Once Eradicated in the United States, Measles Comes Back

    Undiagnosed hospital measles introductions are notoriously labor-intensive, making it necessary to track potential exposures to patients and healthcare workers and determine immune status as necessary.

  • CDC: Candida auris Spreading at ‘Alarming’ Rate

    The agency reported the number of clinical cases has risen each year since 2016, with the worst spike occurring during the 2020-2021 period.

  • Long COVID Hits Healthcare Workers

    A Government Accountability Office report estimates long COVID has “potentially affected up to 23 million Americans, pushing an estimated 1 million people out of work.” This population is a moving target — at any given time, some may be clearing it while others are just starting to succumb to its spiderweb of symptoms. Some have experienced long COVID since the beginning of the pandemic, and their return to baseline health is in question.

  • CDC: Vaccine Safety ‘Signal’ of Stroke Risk in the Elderly

    A vaccine safety surveillance system has detected a “signal” of a possible higher risk of ischemic stroke following vaccination in those age 65 years and older with the bivalent Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 shot, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.

  • Worker Shortage, Pandemic Make Drug Diversion Easier

    Drug diversion can happen quickly as healthcare workers move from one facility to another, enabled by lax reporting systems and hospital disincentives to alert patients and raise liability issues. Diverters may slip through cracks in oversight by medical and nursing boards as they move to other facilities and are lost to follow-up.

  • Multistate Drug Diverter’s Plea Denied, Faces 29 More Years

    When it comes to discussion and analysis of drug diversion, David Kwiatkowski is the elephant in the room. More aptly, he is in a Florida federal prison cell. A hepatis C virus carrier, Kwiatkowski was sentenced to 39 years in prison in 2013 for infecting a string of victims with HCV as he diverted drugs from multiple hospitals in eight states. Tracking back through this trail of tears, federal officials with the Department of Health and Human Services tallied 45 HCV-infected patients, two of whom died.