According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), An effective [respiratory protection] program requires a systematic approach to evaluating workplace conditions, selecting the appropriate respirator, ensuring the respirator fits, and maintaining the respirator properly. Here are some provisions of the standard.
The threat of bioterrorism and the continuing emergence of new infectious agents have spurred the development of syndromic surveillance systems, which may detect clusters of cases much earlier than traditional methods. What does that buy you? Time.
Los Angeles researchers recently have discovered clinical evidence that HIV-positive people with shy and introverted personalities tend to have a faster disease progression and less optimal outcomes under antiretroviral treatment than do people with extroverted personalities.
Neuropathies among HIV patients have continued to increase in recent years, particularly in the case of antiretroviral toxic neuropathy (ATN). Investigators have focused on developing three different types of treatments for HIV-associated neuropathies.
While most AIDS activists and scientists agree that its a good idea to target more prevention programs at people who already are HIV-positive, some question whether the new push for HIV testing and the prevention-for-positives initiative is the right strategy at a time when other prevention dollars are drying up.
Two-page advance beneficiary notice gone; New Jersey offers caregiver web site; MedPAC: No payment update for home health; CMS describes HIPAA authorization form; Medicare covers test for colorectal cancer
NJ group suggests billing, collections guidelines; ED problems highlighted: Cost, capacity issues cited; Final stretch proves tough in HIPAA privacy effort; Almost half of U.S. adults lack health literacy; State cutbacks affect health coverage for low-income families.
In a recent EMTALA E-Bulletin, Stephen A. Frew, JD, a longtime specialist in EMTALA compliance issues and a web site publisher, said he had received reports that Southern California urgent care centers are getting conflicting information on whether the laws reference to dedicated emergency department applies to them.