After receiving input from several medical organizations and other interested parties during a Sept. 25, 2007, summit on medication reconciliation, The Joint Commission is digesting that feedback and crafting a response.
Good ED managers are adept at identifying problems in their department and coming up with innovative solutions, but how many of those solutions involve a title and position change for the managers themselves?
A proactive communications effort, before and after the creating of the new ED patient representative position at St. Mary's Hospital in Tucson, AZ, has helped smooth the transition for ED staff, patients, and families, says Cassandra Pundt, RN, CEN. Pundt had been the ED nurse manager for 10 years when she created and filled the new position.
The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) in Laurel, MD, and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) in Irving, TX, have jointly published the Guideline for the Performance of the FAST (Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma) Examination.
The Joint Commission has added an initial set of seven hospital outpatient measures to its current complement of core measure sets that may be used to satisfy ORYX performance measurement requirements.
Since the implementation of National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) dealing with medication reconciliation in 2005, The Joint Commission has received a steady stream of feedback from the medical community. Emergency medicine experts and organizations, in particular, have complained that the goals were unclear and made compliance difficult.
There is much room for improvement for the vast majority of The Joint Commission's standardized national performance measures, according to data reported in Improving America's Hospitals: The Joint Commission's Annual Report on Quality and Safety 2007. A 90% compliance level was achieved for only four of 22 quality-related measures tracked during 2006.
During 2006 surveys, about 22% of organizations were found to be out of compliance with The Joint Commission's "do not use" list of abbreviations, a requirement of the National Patient Safety Goals since 2004 one of the most frequent non-compliance findings during surveys. Now a new study underscores that abbreviations pose a significant threat to patient safety.
Data were old, inconsistent, and incomplete. The same hospital was rated both best and worst for colon removal.