If youre not calling on the resources of your companys physician medical directors, you may not be maximizing your resources to optimize patient care.
Great-West Healthcares disease management approach won the Denver-based company the award of best disease management program in a national PPO for 2002-2003 from the Disease Management Association of America (DMAA).
A predictive modeling program is just the first step in identifying members for a comprehensive disease management program, says Michael Cousins, PhD, manager of health informatics for Health Management Corp. (HMC), based in Richmond, VA.
When patients dont show up for their appointments, the natural first step for many practices is to penalize the patient. But the problem might not lie with the patient, and if it doesnt, charging the patient a missed-appointment fee or kicking him or her off the patient roster wont improve the clinics no-show and cancellation rate.
Ceiling lifts save backs. That is what Salina (KS) Regional Medical Center concluded, and the investment paid off.
Long hours and overtime are linked to higher injury rates, more frequent illnesses, and even increased mortality, according to a review of 52 published research reports by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
If planning isnt already under way, the time is now for your hospital to get ready for implementation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Acts (HIPAA) security rule, which takes effect April 21, 2005.
A noninvasive therapy involving electrical stimulation is showing promising results in patients who suffer from dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing.
Living wills dont work and waste your time when you promote them to patients, according to researchers at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) plans to launch a new national initiative this fall called Steps to a HealthierUS Workforce, aimed at integrating worker healthy lifestyle promotion with the NIOSH mission of protecting and improving working conditions and work environment.