Visual hallucinations and delusions are common in patients with moderate to advanced Parkinsons disease (PD). Typically fleeting images of people, children, or animals are easily ignored; however, hallucinations often become more intense and frequent, with loss of insight.
In this simple yet elegant, single-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study, 12 patients with McArdles disease were given a sucrose, or artificially sweetened placebo load, prior to aerobic exercise to determine if this might improve exercise tolerance. Average age of the 7 men and 5 women was 37 years, and all had lifelong exercise intolerance, episodic muscle cramps, and myoglobinuria triggered by exercise.
From October 2003 to Jan. 9, 2004, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention received reports of 93 influenza-associated deaths among children younger than 18 years. The demands the annual flu season places on emergency department and urgent care facilities and the voracity of the current years epidemic have overwhelmed many physicians.
The death of a child is a terrifying, overwhelming experience for both parents and physicians. The unknown variables and the inability to reverse an etiology make the emergency department physician feel powerless and unable to give the parents a reason for the event. This article provides a comprehensive update for the ED physician and a review of the truths and myths about the condition known as SIDS.
A program in which case managers coordinate the care of members with complex medical conditions and those who are at high risk for chronic diseases has paid off for Care Choices HMO of Farmington Hills, MI.
A depression management program has resulted in better scores on Health Plan Employer Data Information Set (HEDIS) measures and a reduction in depression screening scores for Fallon Community Health Plan, with headquarters in Worcester, MA.
When it comes to accepting cash payments from providers in exchange for referrals, there is no question: It is expressly forbidden. But what happens with noncash items, such as the seemingly innocuous gifts that show up around the holidays or the New Year. What are the rules?