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Articles Tagged With:

  • Atazanavir: Have We Finally Arrived at Once-Daily Dosing for HIV?

    Atazanavir (Reyetaz®), an azapeptide class of protease inhibitors, was approved by the US FDA for use in HIV infection on June 20, 2003. Atazanavir (ATV) has a unique pharmacokinetic profile allowing for once-daily dosing, which is optimized when taken with food.
  • A Macrolide for Pseudomonas? The Wonders of Azithromycin

    Azithromycin administration to patients with cystic fibrosis and chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection was associated with a reduction in number of exacerbations, improvement in airflow, and weight gain.
  • Which Patients with S aureus Bacteremia Are at Risk for Serious Disease?

    By determining whether 4 key risk factors are present, clinicians might be able to identify those patients with S aureus bacteremia who are at increased risk of serious, complicated infection.
  • Effect of Influenza Vaccination on Otitis Media in Young Children

    Inactivated trivalent influenza vaccine did not reduce the incidence of acute otitis media among children 6-24 months of age.
  • Full November 1, 2003 Issue in PDF

  • Product Pipeline

    St. Jude Medical (Minneapolis, Minnesota) reported receiving FDA approval and European CE marking, as well as the first implant of its Atlas Plus implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), which it said is the highest-output (36 joules delivered/42 joules stored) rate-adaptive device on the market. High-energy outputs are particularly helpful for patients who have life-threatening high or rising defibrillation thresholds, the company said.
  • Personnel Files

    Daniel Cher, MD, has been named to the newly created post of medical director at Cardima (Fremont, California). He previously served as managing scientist at Exponent Failure Analysis. Cardima has developed the Revelation Tx, Revelation T-Flex and Revelation Helix linear ablation microcatheter systems for the minimally invasive treatment of atrial fibrillation.
  • Market Updates

    While there is certainly no crystal ball to see who is most likely to have a heart attack, the Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, Ohio) has developed a new blood test that may be one approach to doing so and could become a standard in emergency rooms and primary care offices.
  • ‘Advances in Cardiovascular Technology Vol. 2’ available

    Advances in Cardiovascular Technology: Emerging Markets for the 21st Century, Vol. 2, the newest sourcebook from the publishers of Cardiovascular Device Update and The BBI Newsletter, has just been released.
  • Business Developments

    The FDA in late October issued a public health notification reporting a variety of adverse events associated with use of the very first drug-eluting stent commercialized in the U.S., the Cypher, made and distributed by the Cordis (Miami Lakes, Florida) subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson (New Brunswick, New Jersey).