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  • Physicians appreciate DM assistance

    Christobel E. Selecky actually has had physicians thank her for sending them treatment guidelines along with information about their patients with chronic diseases.
  • Regular data aid DM effectiveness

    When a member of LifeMasters Supported SelfCares disease management program weighs himself, takes his blood pressure, or blood glucose level, he dials a toll-free number, enters his personal code, and follows the computer prompts to enter the data being monitored. It all takes a minute or less.
  • Predictive modeling helps DM company focus on care

    Targeting the right members for intensive disease management is the key to a successful program, says Christobel E. Selecky.
  • Collaboration: Key to oncology program

    When Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Missouri negotiated a contract with Quality Oncology to handle utilization management and case management services care for its members with cancer, the health plan insisted that the vendor use the insurers system so the in-house staff would have instant access to patient data.
  • Oncology CM vendor improves cancer care

    When the quality management and quality improvement teams at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Missouri examined the data for each disease, they found that the costs for oncology were increasing at a much greater rate than for other diagnoses and that the increases were exceeding 10% a year.
  • Look to your reinsurer for help in managing catastrophic cases

    Youre a case manager for an insurance company, and a spinal cord injury case that needs intensive management and care over a long period of time lands on your desk. Youve never handled care for a spinal cord injury patient. Where do you turn for help?
  • Emergency Ultrasound, Part III: Acute Trauma

    The Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) is a bedside ultrasound examination used primarily by emergency physicians and trauma surgeons to identify free intraperitoneal, intrathoracic, or pericardial fluid. This article describes the sonographic acoustic windows and technique of the FAST examination.
  • Full January 27, 2003, Issue in PDF

  • The Planetree philosophy: A recipe for satisfaction

    Griffin Hospital in Derby, CT, routinely gets a 97% to 100% patient satisfaction rating on a monthly telephone survey of about 15% of discharged patients. More than 80% of patients say they are willing to return to Griffin Hospital and would recommend the services to their family and friends.
  • Team care management = lower lengths of stay

    At Griffin Hospital in Derby, CT, the patients care is managed by their primary care nurse, their case manager, and by the patients themselves. As a result, the nonprofit hospitals lengths of stay are at or below the averages reported by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.