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  • Better tools needed to measure presenteeism

    More reliable tools are needed to measure the costs of presenteeism, which takes an insidious toll on the work place.
  • Fall program keeps $ from slipping away

    As more hospitals tackle the injuries from patient handling, a second major cause of musculoskeletal injury is coming to the forefront: Slips, trips, and falls.
  • Find the right balance for wellness incentives

    Incentives for wellness program participation is becoming more common, but "it can be challenging to settle on the optimal design," according to Daniel Buckalew, a health coaching program manager for Minneapolis-based Ceridian, a global business services company.
  • Protect worker info from supervisors

    Has a supervisor asked you for an employee's diagnosis, the medications he or she is taking, or for information about the worker's medical history? Supervisors do not need this information, according to Patricia B. Strasser, PhD, RN, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN, principle of Partners in BusinessHealth Solutions in Toledo, OH.
  • Half measures, full fines: OSHA resp violations

    An employee may have had a respiratory examination, as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Respiratory Protection Standard, but no mask fit testing.
  • Use data dashboard to gauge productivity

    "Presenteeism is a measure of productivity. It can be gauged in a number of ways," says Margie Weiss, PhD, CEO and community health advocate at the Weiss Health Group, a Neenah, WI-based consulting company that works with companies and communities on health and wellness.
  • Data driven: Using occ health data to lower health care costs

    Are rising health care costs a worry at your workplace?
  • Special unit not a 'drunk tank'

    Like many EDs, the one at Norwalk (CT) Hospital has an isolated room to the rear of the department where intoxicated people are brought to sober up. But don't you dare call it a "drunk tank."
  • 'Pull to full' speeds up flow

    It's always an honor to win an excellence award, but the EDs in the Carolinas Healthcare System that recently were recognized for service excellence under the J.D. Power and Associates Distinguished Hospital Program also can point to specific areas in which they stood out. J.D. Power says it bases the award on five drivers: speed and efficiency; dignity and respect; comfort; information and communication; and emotional support.
  • Radiation detector passes big test

    University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh has successfully tested the Emergency Department Notification System (EDNS) by Waltham, MA-based Thermo Fisher Scientific, which a member of the ED staff describes as "novel technology" for radiation detection.