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Articles Tagged With:

  • Give workers the green light on environment

    Even though workers had diligently placed plastic bottles in a recycling bin in a company break room, staff were seen bagging these up, then throwing them in the regular trash can.
  • A look at the top 10 hazardous industries

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, these industries had the highest rates of work-related injury and illness in the United States in 2010:
  • Occupational Health Management - Full December 2011 Issue in PDF

  • Notice repeat injuries? Take immediate action

    A few years ago, occupational health professionals noticed a rash of upper extremity injuries within a production department at ATK Aerospace Systems in Promontory, UT. "We looked at the process and made several ergonomic corrections," says David Allcott, APRN, ANP-BC, COHN-S, medical services manager.
  • Get word out about program via workers

    It's hard to imagine how even a single employee at Finch Paper in Glen Falls, NY, could have missed the fact that a health fair was being held onsite in a huge tent, with 25 local vendors and the company's wellness team present.
  • Stymied OSHA politically incorrect?

    Growing anti-regulatory pressure and presidential politics bring new hurdles for the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which was already known for its snail-like pace of rulemaking. The agency has delayed the release of several key regulations, and observers expect little to emerge in the midst of an election year.
  • In keeping workers safe and healthy, are you forgetting the environment?

    As an occupational health professional, you spend virtually all of your time focusing on work-related issues. "We are also environmental experts as well. I think that this gets lost in our focus," says Grace Paranzino, EdD, RN, CHES, FAAOHN, chief clinical officer at Americas Product GroupHealthcare in Troy, MI.
  • Penetrating Thoracic Trauma

    Trauma continues to be a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Accidental death remained the fifth most common cause of death for all ages in 2009. Thoracic injuries reportedly have been involved in up to 75% of all deaths related to trauma and may be directly responsible in up to 25% of these deaths.
  • Emergency Medicine Reports - Full December 5, 2011 Issue in PDF

  • 'Disappearing' Infectious Diseases

    Vaccination has dramatically reduced the number of cases of chickenpox, measles, polio, mumps, and pertussis treated in primary care settings. Antibiotic treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis has reduced the number of cases of rheumatic fever. As a result, there are generations of physicians who have never encountered patients with these diseases. These diseases are often relegated to the historical section of general medical textbooks. However, recent isolated outbreaks in adults as well as children have brought these diseases back into the forefront for primary care providers.