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  • Physicians Anonymously Tell Their Stories in New Study

    It is tough to have a uterus in the post-Dobbs United States. The physicians who treat pregnant women are outraged and horrified, according to their anonymous stories in a new report: Care Post-Roe: Documenting cases of poor-quality care since the Dobbs decision.

  • Abortion Bans End Standard Pregnancy Care in Large Swaths of the United States

    When South Carolina and North Carolina passed abortion bans in May 2023, they were among the last states in the Southeast to end standard pregnancy and abortion care. Standard abortion care for women in most of the South and parts of the Midwest will now be denied to all but a small percentage of people. Those who want or need abortion care a couple of months into pregnancy will need to travel hundreds of miles to a state where abortion care is legal.

  • Physicians and Decisions About Abortions

    The United States has arrived at the day when fully half to two-thirds of all states have passed laws to ban abortions as completely as possible. The situations in which abortion is banned vary from state to state. In some states, the punishment for failing to adhere to complicated laws is harsh.

  • FDA’s Final Decision on OTC Birth Control Pill Expected Soon

    The unanimous endorsement of over-the-counter Opill norgestrel tablets by the joint advisory committee of the FDA may put the birth control pill on pharmacy shelves later this year.

  • Emergency Departments Inundated with Crowding, ‘Boarding,’ Violence

    Amid an epidemic of violence, America’s EDs have become overwhelmed by long waits and “boarding,” a haphazard way station for the lost: psychiatric patients, walking wounded, those arriving by emergency transport, and those who deferred treatment during the pandemic, all awaiting an inpatient bed or a transfer. The American College of Emergency Physicians and many other co-signing medical groups described the problem in a letter to President Biden.

  • COVID-19: CMS Ends Vaccine Mandate for HCWs

    The end of the COVID-19 national Public Health Emergency brought a highly controversial issue to a relatively quiet hiatus: Healthcare workers are no longer federally mandated to receive the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has ended the requirement, which in any case did not apply to boosters or the bivalent vaccines.

  • ID Doc: COVID-19 Can Be Controlled, Not Eradicated

    Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, is associate division chief of the HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine at UCSF/San Francisco General Hospital. She has followed the COVID-19 pandemic closely. Hospital Employee Health sought Gandhi’s thoughts on the end of the Public Health Emergency.

  • AOHP Researchers Track Down Needlestick Hazards

    Following an alert from an occupational health manager at a U.S. hospital, researchers with the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare found a longstanding sharps injury problem with prefilled syringes that were designed as safety devices.

  • CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Exits

    After conceding the CDC made mistakes and errors in the pandemic response — then launching an ambitious effort to reinvent the agency — director Rochelle Walensky, MD, has announced she will resign at the end of June 2023.

  • Scientists Use Artificial Intelligence While Searching for ‘Superbug’ Solutions

    Researchers enlisted the help of technology to find an antibiotic that could fight multidrug-resistant bacteria.