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  • CA hospitals continue closing: A quality crisis?

    With at least eight California hospitals closed in 2004 and more closings expected before years end, the nations quality managers could not be blamed for hoping that this time the adage that Everything starts in California does not prove true.
  • WebM&M teaches by example with case studies

    One of the great challenges in the whole world of quality and patient safety is learning to take advantage of the richness of clinical cases, says Robert M. Wachter , MD, professor and associate chairman in the department of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and chief of the medical service at UCSF Medical Center.
  • JCAHO and CMS to align quality measures: PI efforts will benefit

    In a move widely welcomed by health care quality professionals, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organi-zations (JCAHO) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have signed an agreement to completely align current and future common Hospital Quality Measures in their condition-specific measure sets.
  • PASTE plus teams at core of award-winning program

    A medication safety improvement initiative at Heartland Health in St. Joseph, MO, employed a structure centered around PASTE plus teams and four key subprocesses to achieve significant process improvement and earn the Missouri Team Quality Award.
  • AHRQ issues guide for emergency dispensing

    A new planning guide funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is designed to help communities nationwide make sure that all Americans have needed drugs and vaccines in the event of a natural epidemic or bioterrorist attack.
  • News Briefs Study: ACE inhibitor drugs are underused

    Almost one-third of heart failure patients face an increased risk of death because they do not receive an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, according to a report in the Aug. 3, 2004, rapid-access issue of Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.
  • Full November 1, 2004 Issue in PDF

  • WebM&M teaches by example with case studies 

    One of the great challenges in the whole world of quality and patient safety is learning to take advantage of the richness of clinical cases, says Robert M. Wachter, MD, professor and associate chairman in the department of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and chief of the medical service at UCSF Medical Center.
  • Full December 2004 issue in PDF

  • Clinical Briefs in Primary Care

    Toenail Chromium in Men With Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease; Combination of Fenofibrate and Rosiglitazone and HDL Cholesterol; Outcomes for Patients with Diet-Controlled Diabetes; Erythromycin and the Risk of Sudden Death; Acute Hyperglycemia, Mood, and Cognitive Performance in Type 2 Diabetics; Psychosocial Risk Factors and Risk of Acute MI.