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Articles Tagged With:

  • SARS cases are growing — prepare with these steps

    With the threat of smallpox and anthrax looming, ED nurses now have one more thing to worry about: severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). At press time, there were 115 cases in 27 U.S. states, including at least two health care workers.
  • Full April 2003 Issue in PDF

  • Peanuts, Allergy, and Travel

    Repeated injections of a monoclonal anti-IgE antibody markedly decreased the sensitivity of peanut-allergic patients to subsequent peanut exposure. Since fatal anaphylaxis to peanuts can occur following inadvertent ingestion of small amounts of peanut antigen, this treatment might be very useful for peanut-allergic travelers who will be exposed to foods of uncertain purity.
  • Quinolone Resistance in Campylobacter jejuni

    Overall, quinolone resistance among isolates of Campylobacter jejuni from returned Finnish travelers increased during a 5-year period. The countries at highest risk for quinolone resistance are Thailand, India, and China. These findings indicate a need to reconsider the choice of antibiotics for self-treatment of travelers diarrhea in some countries.
  • W135 Meningococcal Disease: A New Vaccine for Africa

    Repeated injections of a monoclonal anti-IgE antibody markedly decreased the sensitivity of peanut-allergic patients to subsequent peanut exposure. Since fatal anaphylaxis to peanuts can occur following inadvertent ingestion of small amounts of peanut antigen, this treatment might be very useful for peanut-allergic travelers who will be exposed to foods of uncertain purity.
  • Updates

    Oregons Assisted Suicide Program; HIV Accelerates HCV Fibrosis; Fuzeon (T-20) Goes Forward
  • Focus on Fungal Infections Meeting Coverage

    The following is a brief and selected overview of presentations at Focus on Fungal Infections 13 in Maui, Hawaii, March 19-21, 2003.
  • ED Accreditation Update: Accreditation Q & A

    What should we expect during a Joint Commission patient safety and medications use interview?
  • ED Accreditation Update: Quality, timely care: An ED’s keys to compliance

    It sounds simple enough: When surveyors look at key accreditation areas, the performance of an emergency department (ED) boils down to whether the ED gives patients quality care in a timely manner. But when patient load and staffing dont mesh, or when concentration on the disease means the individual is ignored, the simple expectation of quality care in a timely manner may be a challenge.
  • ED Accreditation Update: CMS, JCAHO now using same Life Safety Code

    Emergency departments (EDs) received some welcome news in January when the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) adopted the same edition of the Life Safety Code referenced in the Joint Commission standards. The change affects EDs accredited by the Joint Commission that receive Medicare reimbursement from CMS.