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Articles Tagged With:

  • Ayurveda: General Principles and Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Venkatraman M, Assefi N. Ayurveda: General principles and treatment of rheumatoid arthriitis. Altern Med Alert 2002;5(12):144-147.
  • Fish Oils to Lower Triglycerides

    Sorrentino MJ. Fish oils to lower trigylerides. Altern Med Alert 2002;5(12):141-144.
  • Asset protection: Insulate your personal property from attack

    Horror stories of physician colleagues losing personal assets in malpractice judgments make the subject of asset protection of particular interest. This issue of ED Legal Letter is not intended to be an all-inclusive discussion, but rather an informative primer, thus affording readers valuable information about options for protecting their personal savings and retirement accounts.
  • DNRs in the field: EMS providers face conflicts

    With more terminally ill patients receiving care outside the hospital, in hospices, home health or in nursing homes, it is becoming increasingly common for emergency medical service (EMS) providers to encounter patients with advance directives or living wills that ask that they not be resuscitated or that certain lifesaving measures not be performed should their hearts stop beating.
  • Iowa judge withdraws order for pregnancy test results

    An Iowa district court judge has rescinded his order requiring a local Planned Parenthood clinic to turn over the names of women receiving positive pregnancy tests to law enforcement officials investigating the death of a newborn.
  • Is nursing crisis health system’s perfect storm?

    The worsening nursing shortage is a crisis that can completely sink the struggling U.S. health care system if hospitals and other institutions dont do more to address the root causes of the shortage, health executives told government leaders last month.
  • Is Laparoscopy Needed in Ectopic Pregnancy?

    For the past decade, the management of ectopic pregnancy has evolved away from the old adage Never let the sun set on a suspected ectopic pregnancy, to a less surgically-oriented approach.
  • Survival after Laparoscopy in Women with Endometrial Cancer

    Eltabbakh retrospectively reviewed women presenting with clinical stage I endometrial cancer (according to the 1988 FIGO staging) at the University of Vermont. Women treated with laparoscopic surgery were compared with those treated with laparotomy with regard to their characteristics, surgical procedure, treatment, surgical stage, histology, tumor grade, and recurrence-free and overall survival.
  • Response to the WHI by Clinicians

    In the weeks following the publication of the first results from the Womens Health Initiative (WHI), I have talked by phone and e-mail with clinicians all over the country.
  • Stress workshops planned

    The American Psychological Association, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the School of Business, Queens University, Toronto, will hold their fifth interdisciplinary conference on occupational stress and health March 20-22, 2003, at the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto.