The simultaneously recorded lead II and lead MCL1 rhythm strip shown in the Figure was obtained from a middle-aged man in severe pain from a musculoskeletal disorder. He was not having chest pain, and had no known history of cardiovascular disease. He had an episode of vomiting shortly before this tracing was recorded. Is there evidence of heart block? If so, what type? What might you specifically look for on additional telemetry tracings to confirm your diagnosis of the arrhythmia?
The simultaneously recorded lead II and lead MCL<SUB>1</SUB> rhythm strip shown in the Figure was obtained from a middle-aged man in severe pain from a musculoskeletal disorder. He was not having chest pain, and had no known history of cardiovascular disease. He had an episode of vomiting shortly before this tracing was recorded. Is there evidence of heart block? If so, what type? What might you specifically look for on additional telemetry tracings to confirm your diagnosis of the arrhythmia?
ECG Review: Painful Heart Block
May 1, 2005