Make plans now to attend fall conference
Register now for the annual Contraceptive Technology: Quest for Excellence conference, scheduled for Oct. 27-29, 2005, in Atlanta.
The conference will cover such topics as new modes of delivering hormonal contraceptives, improved versions of intrauterine contraceptives, and upcoming contraceptives. Preconferences on Oct. 27 will cover health care for women older than 40 (Preconference A), intrauterine device insertion training (Preconference B), and endometrial biopsy skill-building for clinicians (Preconference C). Continuing education credits are available.
Early fee deadline is Sept. 15. Early preconference fees for all attendees are $195 for Preconference A, $105 for Preconference B, and $95 for Preconference C; regular Preconference fees are $235, $135, and $125, respectively. Early fees for the main conference are $475 for physicians and $375 for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and others; regular fees are $515 and $415, respectively.
To register on-line, go to Contemporary Forums at Click on "Conferences," then "Contraceptive Technology: Quest for Excellence." Registration also may be made by calling (800) 377-7707, ext. 3, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Pacific Time, or by faxing a completed registration form to (800) 329-9923.
Register now for the annual Contraceptive Technology: Quest for Excellence conference, scheduled for Oct. 27-29, 2005, in Atlanta.Subscribe Now for Access
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