A full panel of prognostic indicators was examined in 449 treatment-naïve CLL patients and it was found that serum light chain ratio was useful in confirming clonality. However, the sum of both k and l serum light chains proved of greater prognositc value in determining an early need to offer CLL treatment. A total (k + l) level of > 60.6 mg/mL was an independent predictor of limited treatment-free survival.
A full panel of prognostic indicators was examined in 449 treatment-naïve CLL patients and it was found that serum light chain ratio was useful in confirming clonality. However, the sum of both k and l serum light chains proved of greater prognositc value in determining an early need to offer CLL treatment. A total (k + l) level of > 60.6 mg/mL was an independent predictor of limited treatment-free survival.
Prognostic Importance of Serum Light Chains in Patients with CLL
February 1, 2012