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News brief: How would you like a sugar-free sports drink?

News brief

How would you like a sugar-free sports drink?

Sugar-free drinks may be the buzzword of the day, but a West Palm Beach man and his partner have taken the idea a little farther and added their own personal mission to it. Until very recently, there were no sugar-free, carb-free sports drinks on the market that an athlete with diabetes could guzzle after a workout.

Alan Posner decided to change all that. Since he was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 11 years ago, Posner has struggled to create a diet and exercise routine that keeps him in top form. Posner joined a gym, consulted a dietitian, and lost 80 pounds after he was diagnosed. But his frustration with sugary sports drinks grew. Finally, he and his partner, Mark Streisfeld, went to research labs for help in developing a sugar-free, carb-free sports drink that replaces electrolytes like potassium that are lost during exercise.

The result: ChampionLyte, which contains no sugar, no calories, no saccharin, no sorbitol, aspartame, caffeine, or carbonation. What it does contain is a blend of water, citric acids, isotonic salts, flavor, acesulfame potassium, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, and color additives.

Posner was so concerned with the quality of his product that he asked Miami’s Diabetes Research Institute, affiliated with the University of Miami, to test it. The institute sampled and tested ChampionLyte and agreed to put its endorsement on the label. It’s now available in New York and Florida in 20-ounce bottles in five flavors. Posner says he has plans to broaden distribution in the coming months.

Case lots of ChampionLyte can be ordered wholesale from Jamb Supply at (800) 237-1804.