TJC cuts one word, saves hours of time
The Joint Commission (TJC) has given ambulatory organizations a gift. That gift comes in the form of one word being cut from an element of performance (EP) for a human resource (HR) standard addressing renewed privileges.
In a blog posted by TJC, Joyce Webb, project director in the Department of Standards and Survey Methods, said, "A single strike-through in standard HR.02.01.03, EP 3, is going to save our ambulatory customers a lot of work, time and effort."1 The word "renewed" has been deleted in the following EP: "Before granting initial, renewed or revised privileges, the organization uses primary sources when documenting training specific to the privileges requested."
Cutting out the word "renewed" means ambulatory facilities don’t have to go back to the primary source of a specific credential when renewing privileges for an independent licensed practitioner.
TJC recently approved 12 revisions to ambulatory care requirements that take effect Jan. 1, 2014. The revisions are posted on the Prepublication Requirements section of the TJC website (
1. Brown A. "Ambulatory standards revisions make sense." Ambulatory Buzz July 9, 2013. Accessed at