Help for navitgating insurance marketplaces
Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has announced $67 million in grant awards to 105 navigator grant applicants in federally facilitated and state partnership marketplaces.
These navigator grantees and their staff will serve as an in-person resource for consumers who want additional assistance in shopping for and enrolling in plans in the health insurance marketplace beginning this fall. Also, HHS has recognized more than 100 national organizations and businesses who have volunteered to help Americans learn about the healthcare coverage available in the marketplace.
"Navigators will be among the many resources available to help consumers understand their coverage options in the marketplace," said Sebelius. "A network of volunteers on the ground in every state — healthcare providers, business leaders, faith leaders, community groups, advocates, and local elected officials — can help spread the word and encourage their neighbors to get enrolled."
The announcement builds upon the significant progress in outreach and education made this summer. Consumers can learn about and enroll in coverage later this fall through HHS launched a 24-hours-a-day consumer call center ready to answer questions in 150 languages. The phone number is (800) 318-2596. The text telephone (TTY) number is (855) 889-4325
More than 1,200 community health centers across the country are preparing to help enroll uninsured Americans in coverage, and a partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services will help trusted local libraries be a resource for consumers.