Use CDC Web material for vaginitis education
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now offer a free web-based training course designed to guide clinicians in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of vaginitis. It may be accessed at
The material includes information on trichomoniasis, candidiasis, and bacterial vaginosis. Continuing education credits are available. After completing the course, clinicians will be able to do the following:
- Describe the epidemiology of the three major types of vaginitis in the United States.
- Describe pathogenesis relating to the three major types of vaginitis.
- Discuss the clinical manifestations of the three major types of vaginitis.
- Identify common methods used in the diagnosis of the three major types of vaginitis.
- List the CDC-recommended treatment regimens for the three major types of vaginitis.
- Summarize prevention strategies for the three major types of vaginitis.
The CDC also is offering a ready-to-use curriculum for clinical educators on vaginitis. The comprehensive curricular materials can be downloaded by clinical educators for classroom use. Each module contains a slide presentation, an instructor’s guide, a case study, and test questions.
All materials are free and may be downloaded at