Source Kit
Following are names and telephone numbers of sources quoted in this issue:
Jan Barrett, MSN, CPHQ, quality consultant. E-mail:
Marj Mauer, chair, Patient Safety Task Force, Advocate Health Care, Oak Brook, IL. Telephone: (630) 275-1033.
Dan Parker, director of communications, Advocate Health Care, Oak Brook, IL. Telephone: (630) 990-5606.
John M. Eisenberg, MD, director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Telephone: (301) 594-6120.
Michelle Boylan, DMC, RN, manager of quality and outcomes, University Hospital, Denver. Telephone: (303) 372-0723.
Michael Leonard, MD, director of surgery services, Kaiser Permanente, Colorado. Telephone: (303) 861-3610.