Software vs. embedded systems
"Software may just need to be recoded, whereas embedded systems have chips that can’t be recoded," explains Brian Duggan, RN, MSN, clinical operations manager for information services at Carolinas Health Care System in Charlotte, NC. "That’s really where the problem lies. So you need to know which systems have these chips." These may include elevators, defibrillators, IV pumps, and EKG machines, he notes.
Some machines and devices have chips embedded in them that manage dates, which are not reprogrammable and not easily tested. "Some chips that track maintenance schedules will shut down if the maintenance extends beyond the set parameter, while others may just print fictitious dates," says Duggan.
An example is a ventilator with a maintenance program in it that is designed to notify users when maintenance is needed. "It subtracts the current year minus the previous year, such as 99 minus 98. But 00 minus 99 is negative 99, and the machine will automatically shut down since it will appear that it’s been 100 years since it was maintained."
An example of a more benign problem is an EKG machine. "When you put in the patient’s date of birth and it says they’re 150 years old, you can still read the squiggly lines. But other problems will shut equipment down," notes Duggan.
It’s beyond the expertise of ED managers to know which equipment has embedded chips, notes Duggan. "You need a strong IS department to assist you, or to talk to vendors directly. Many health care providers are asking for letters that guarantee the equipment will work properly in the year 2000. But a lot of vendors are refusing to provide these letters, or they put in legalese to protect themselves from liability."
All current versions of computer software should be Y2K compliant, says Taylor. "But even Microsoft was forced to admit recently that some of its best selling products still have Y2K problems," he notes. "Worse yet, many people still use legacy software that is sure to be non-Y2K compliant. Upgrading before Y2K would be prudent."
If you are unsure about an individual PC, Norton 2000 software will assess hardware and software for Y2K compliance, suggests Duggan. "However, in the big picture, software and hardware on a PC level is really minor. You may lose documents but it’s not the end of the world."
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