States beginning to legislate maternity stays
Many state and local legislatures are taking the controversy over so-called "drive-through" deliveries into their own hands. Four states already have passed legislation aimed at curtailing early discharges of maternity patients, according to a recent article in The New England Journal of Medicine.1
In Maryland, a new law requires insurance plans to provide coverage for inpatient maternity and newborn care that meets the criteria set by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists (ACOG).
"Because the AAP and the ACOG recommend a 48-hour stay for uncomplicated deliveries, the law, which took effect on Oct. 1, 1995, had the effect of eliminating provisions for shorter lengths of stay by insurance companies and health plans," the NEJM reported.
In New Jersey, a new state law mandates insurance coverage for 48 hours of inpatient care following a vaginal delivery and for 96 hours following a cesarean. North Carolina's and Massachusetts' new laws call for similar stays, according to the NEJM.
The following states also are considering similar legislative mandates: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island.
Although these new state laws do not carry civil or criminal penalties, some local legislatures are reported to be considering measures which could hit the pocketbooks of noncompliant insurers.
In Chicago, for example, the city council is reported to be debating whether to revoke city contracts from HMOs and indemnity insurance companies that have early-discharge requirements for maternity patients. The Chicago city council apparently is toying with the idea of charging hospitals for water use if they enforce these early-discharge policies.
1. Annas G. Women and children first. N Engl J Med 1995; 333:1,647-1,650. *
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